Weekly Draw — Lit from Within

This Week’s Holy Name is אכא (Alef Kaf Alef), and it’s hawt!

This vibration reignites the desire leading a lit and extraordinary life. It’s about reclaiming your exquisiteness. It’s about getting your turn on and your grove back.



So why am I not feeling the sexy?

Great question!

IMG_6329Lets address the problem fist. This week you’re dealing with the gorgons of apathy, purposelessness, and lack of motivation. Perhaps life feels extra chaotic at the moment? Maybe you’re overwhelmed by having to sort through a boat-load of emotional clutter? Confronting procrastination, laziness, and even depression are equally feasible items on your to do list at this time.

Moreover, you are very likely to realize that some significant personal relationships, old habits, and well-oiled routines have become dysfunctional. It’s dead emotional weight, and it gotta go!

This week your biggest job is to weed out that which lets your spirit down! Let organically disintegrate what cannot be re-patched anymore.

Alef Kaf Alef - 72names

The push of your soul’s desire for freedom against your ego’s pull toward faux-security at all costs, could feel like a mini existential-crisis. So arm yourself with אכא and ride that mofo like pro! Since, essentially what you’re sensing is the old psycho-spiritual structures collapsing, while not yet feeling a sense of renewed success and satisfaction that have been already blooming within the magic of your Higher Self.

Arm yourself with patience and meditate on the אכא because it will turn your being on with inspiration, beauty, and passion. Its magnificence emanates from the root of your soul. Trust me baby… it will make you lit!




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Madame Nadia is a hereditary diviner, a celebrity psychic, an initiated Palera and Macumbera, and a co-host of Fit+Foxy podcast. For spiritual consultations and magical tutoring: www.madamenadia.com/readings


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